
Support Your Masjid!

After Allah, we rely on your support to offer all the community programs, services and the safe, family friendly environment that have made our community thrive. Thank you for your generosity, now in these trying times, more than ever!

Please click the button below to donate to our general fund.

Donate to our Endowment!

Join us in establishing a continuous charity! Help Clear Lake Islamic Center Continue their beneficial work for generations to come insha’Allah by contributing to our endowment fund!

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Zakat ul Maal

Allah سبحانه و تعالى says: “And establish prayer and give Zakah, and whatever good you put forward for yourself you will find it with Allah. Indeed Allah, of what you do, is seeing.” - The Quran 2:110



The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Sadaqah (charity) removes sins as water extinguishes fire.” - (Tirmidhi)
